As the players started arriving and playing practice rounds at Dell Match Play World Golf Championship, hosted at Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas, the kids seemed to be enthralled with the whole scene. In a designated autograph area, next to the practice tee, youngsters were trying to capture autographs as the players entered and exited the practice area.
As a player walked by, you could hear these kids, saying “Can I have your autograph?” or “You are a star, can I have your autograph?
When they were lucky enough to get one of the players to autograph their Dell Match Play pin flag or their hat, the kids would say thanks or something like, “Your a star, we believe in you”, or we think you’re gonna win. And, the look on the kid’s face was one of joy and accomplishment.
The players were cooperative and you got the impression they enjoyed hanging out with the kids and being able to provide an autograph. Shane Lowery is shown here providing an autograph as he enters the practice area.
As the kids roamed around in the autograph zone, some could be seen swing imaginary golf clubs and mimicking what they were seeing the stars do about 100 feet away on the practice tee.

Renee and Hunter Rodriquez in the Autograph Zone
Moms and Dads watched the players hit balls while the kids were in a safe autograph zone and everyone seemed to be enjoying the entire scene. Renee and Hunter Rodriquez were among those present and were good enough to pose for a photo.
Hunter is a young golfer here in Austin and when I spoke with him he said this was the last day of his Spring Break and that tomorrow he had to go back to school. Now doubt he will be thinking of other things while sitting in the classroom.