Marian Baker fires 68 to Lead Womens Central Texas Amateur

Marian Barker fired a 68 at Avery Ranch Golf Course to take a three shot lead into the final round of the Womens  Central Texas Amateur. Mina Hardin shot 71, followed by Nancy Kromar at 73 and five players at 74.  The second and final round takes place Sunday.  The first round scoures and second round tee times are listed below.

Time Score Player   Flight
8:33 AM 101 North Dessie Second
8:33 AM 101 Walker Mary Ann Second
8:33 AM 100 Fullwood Sabra Second
8:33 AM 100 Singleton Debby Second
8:42 AM 99 Motley Vadonna Second
8:42 AM 98 Flores Petra Second
8:42 AM 98 Seafous Aaron Second
8:42 AM 97 Peterson Becky Second
8:51 AM 94 Senkbeil Debbie Second
8:51 AM 93 Mayorga Denise Second
8:51 AM 90 Gill Donna Second
8:51 AM 87 Spann Peggy Second
9:00 AM 87 Maynard Brianna Second
9:00 AM 86 Long Mary Second
9:00 AM 85 Brittain Gayle First
9:00 AM 85 Davis Joanna First
9:09 AM 83 Ross Marti First
9:09 AM 82 Watts Brooke First
9:09 AM 81 Aranda Jennifer First
9:09 AM 81 Rutherford Laurie First
9:18 AM 80 Kuykendall Cindy First
9:18 AM 80 Maynard Stefanie First
9:18 AM 80 Walters Patricia First
9:18 AM 80 Webb Ann First
9:27 AM 80 Aleshire Christa First
9:27 AM 79 Pritchett Meghan First
9:27 AM 79 Turnage Carol First
9:27 AM 79 Wickstrom Emily First
Time Score Player   Flight
9:36 AM 78 Scaggs Liz Championship
9:36 AM 77 Clay Camille Championship
9:36 AM 76 Stene Jenna Championship
9:45 AM 76 Cleckler Beth Championship
9:45 AM 76 Hildahl Kate Championship
9:45 AM 76 Jaggers Ilissa Championship
9:54 AM 75 Beck Nancy Championship
9:54 AM 75 Gilkeson Cindy Championship
9:54 AM 75 Henry Leslie Championship
10:03 AM 74 Davis Sharon Championship
10:03 AM 74 Layton Ellie Championship
10:03 AM 74 Martin Carol Championship
10:03 AM 74 Wilson Janelle Championship
10:12 AM 74 Bryant Bresha Championship
10:12 AM 73 Kromar Nancy Championship
10:12 AM 71 Hardin Mina Championship
10:12 AM 68 Barker Marian Championship


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