Marking the 16th year of competition, the Hannon Cup Matches will take place September 16-18 at the Spanish Oaks Golf Club. These matches pair leading Austin amateur golfers against local golf professionals in a Ryder Cup Match Play format. The amateurs hold a slight lead in the series with the current score of eight wins versus seven for the professionals. The professionals won the 2011 matches.
You can see results of previous matches, review individual player records in the matches and Learn more about the Hannon Cup Association at this link. The matches normally include foursomes and four-ball matches the first day so players essentially play two matches each. The final day features the singles matches.
Amateur Team
2012 Amateur Captain Billy Clagett along with Assistant Captains Ken Redfern and Dave O'Connell have named the following individuals to their team:
Mike Allen
Manny Bhakta
Michael Cooper
Gene Black
Robert Evans
Chris Hartenstein
Ron Kilby
Kody King
Peter McGibney
Brian Noonan
Ryan Murphy
Steve Paterson
John Pigg
Bob Dickerson
Professional Team
Captain Joe Beck Jr. has selected the following players:
Lonny Alexander
Rick Arnett
Ryan Cromwell
Kyle Edwards
Jean-Paul Hebert
Phillip Miranda
Dale Morgan
Mike Shevlin
Wes Short
Wes Skaggs
Greg Smith
Ted Soule
Steve Termeer
Tyson Tidwell
Players Banquet
The featured speaker at the Players Banquest on September 16th will be Dave Stockton, former winner of the PGA championship. He will also be hosting a Stockton Golf School at the UT Golf Club on Monday-Tuesday, September 17-18. The school will include two days of instruction on the short game, the mental game and course strategy. Lunches are included each day. Enrollment is $1500. Enrollment for Hannon Society members is $1250 and enrollment for juniors is $1000. The school runs from 8:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m each day. There will be a separate two hour mini-school for juniors 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 16th. Enrollment in the mini-school is $200. For more information about these schools contact Natalie Knox by email at