The “Muny Bulldogs” gathered December 26th for their annual putting tournament and reunion. The event affords the group a chance to visit with old friends and spend a little time together under the guise of a putting tournament. Although the competition is real, the primary reason for gathering is simply to celebrate their friendships and catch up on the news from each other. (Click on photo to enlarge then use back button to return to posting)
Dan Simpson usually coordinates the gathering and oversees the putting tournament while Ben Crenshaw hands out the winners gift certificates. From left to right, Phil Warren and Steve Trafton, who won the putting tournament, Ben Crenshaw in the middle, Sonny Rhodes and Bobby Jones, who finished 2nd.
Shown below are a group of players that have strong affiliation with Lions Municipal Golf Course and quite a history with the course. Among those that gather for the annual putting tournament, this group is referred to as the “Muny Board of Directors” because of their exceptionally strong connection to Lions Municipal Golf Course. They all grew up playing golf at Lions and have all achieved recognition as good players.
Lester Lundell has won numerous local golf titles including four Austin Men’s City Championships and the Firecracker Open. Cary Petri may have played more rounds at Muny than anyone else and has always been a fine player in the Austin golfing circles.
Ben Crenshaw, who won three consecutive Austin Men’s City championships during his teenage years went on to achieve international recognition as a professional golfer. His career included 19 PGA Tour victories including two Masters and a World Golf Hall of Fame membership.
Billy Clagett, who is known as “Mr. Muny” because he has won the Firecracker Open six times, has also won almost every local golfing title available to him and has been a fixture at Muny for most of his life. Clagett also achieved recognition at the state level by winning several Texas Golf Association titles. And, because he had a successful career with EZ Go Golf Carts, knows a lot of people in the golf business in Texas.
Dan Simpson, known as “Suitcase” to local muny crowd, worked for George Hannon at Muny and Morris Williams and has always been a fine player. He organized this event.
All of the “Board of Directors” graduated from Austin High School and have literally shared a life together at Muny. Pretty cool that they still celebrate their friendship and affiliation with Lions Municipal Golf Course.