Rudy' I-35 Cup

In 2009 Randy Reynolds from Austin and Pat McMahan from San Antonio led an effort to create a Ryder Cup format competition between Austin and San Antonio.  Players for the  Austin team were be determined primarily by the Austin Amateur Golf point list and completed with two captains picks, similar to the Ryder Cup competition between the U.S. and Europe. Rudy's became the title sponsor in 2010 and in 2011 renewed it's committment for three years.  San Antonio's efforts are supported by Golf San Antonio

As part of the I-35 Cup, a "Rivalry before the Matches"  was created as a fund raising event for charity and to cover costs of the competition.  The Rivalary before the Matches is a golf competition between Austin and San Antonio businesses. The Rivalary produced contributions to Austin Habitat for Humanity and the First Tee of San Antonio of $110,000 from the first two years of competition.

Golf Austin encourages Austin Area Businesses, Organizations, and golfers to support Rudy's I-35 Cup by participating in the Rivalry before the Matches

Results of Rudy's I-35 Cup Matches

The 2009 the first I-35 Cup was played in San Antonio, and the 2010 Rudy's I-35 Cup was hosted at Great Hills Club in Austin. See photos from the 2009  and 2010 competitons. The 2011 matches will be hosted by Sonterro Country Club in San Antonio, as the matches alternate between Austin and San Antonio.  San Antonio prevailed in both 2009 and 2010.  Mike Allen, Captain for 2011 has hopes to reverse that trend in 2011.

The 2009 Team Captains were Billy Clagett from Austin and Pat McMahan from San Antonio. Assistant Captains from San Antonio included Bill Rogers, Buddy Cook & Joe Caruso.  Assistant Captains from Austin included George Hannon and Glenn Lee. San Antonio won the matches 14.5 to 11.5.

2009 Austin Team Members and Cup Matches Record
Mark Baldree 2-1-0
Vince Brunssen 1-1-0
Billy Clagett 1-2-0
Robert Haney 0-2-1
Chris Hartenstein 3-0-0
T.Ross Henry 0-2-1
Jamie Kellam 0-3-0
Josh Luongo 1-2-0
Scott Matheson 0-0-1
Rob Ormand 0-1-0
Stephen Paterson 3-0-0
John Perez 2-1-0
Jeff T. Shell 1-2-0
Phil Thomas 2-1-0

2010 Austin Team
Captain – Chris Hartenstein
Assistant Captains – Rick Arnett, Wes Short
Team Members
Mike Allen
Mark Baldree
Gene Black
Grady Bruce
Ben Carter
Nicholas Cristea
Robert Evans
Dean Lundquist
Mike Minicucci
Larry Nunez
Steven Paterson
Wayne Smith
Phil Thomas

2010 Rivalary Before the Matches

Team San Antonio   Team Austin
1. The Original Rudy's Country Store     vs  Rudy's Country Store and Bar-B-Q
2. United Concordia Dental   vs United Concordia Dental
3. Aetna    vs Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
4. Frost Bank San Antonio vs  Frost Bank Austin
5. Valero vs Clear Channel
6. Valero   vs Clear Channel
7. USAA REALCO  vs no team
8. KPMG vs no team
9. ESPN Radio  ESPN Radio vs ESPN Radio
10. Dominion Country Club  vs no team
11. The Briggs Ranch Golf Club  vs Great Hills Country Club
12. Oak Hills Country Club   vs Austin Country Club
13. Pepsico    vs Pepsico
14. Merrill Lynch SA    vs Merril Lynch Austin
15. US Trust SA   vs US Trust Austin
16. La Quinta Hotel   Sysco Foods vs Sysco Foods
17. Clampitt Paper San Antonio    vs Clampitt Paper Austin
18. San Antonio Spurs    vs Austin Toros
19. St. Mary's University   vs University of Texas at Austin
20. Reagan High School Booster Club   vs  The Hannon Cup Association
21. Coker United Methodist Church   vs no team
22. Oak Hills Church vs no team
23. Met Life vs no team


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