Gib Kizer, who in 1959 won the Austin City Championship and the Texas Public Links at age 18, was a student of Harvey Penick. Golf Austin interviewed Mr. Kizer recently as part of an upcoming installation on the "Names on the Trophy" series of stories being written about former winners of the City Championship, the Firecracker Open, and the Harvey Penick Invitational.
During the course of the interview, Mr. Kizer explained that over the course of several years he had taken a series of lessons from Mr. Penick. He indicated that Mr. Penick emphasized the fundamentals of the golf swing during those lessons and in particular the importance of the address position. Listen to Mr. Kizer's comments about those lessons and the role of the grip, alignment, stance, knee flex, hand position and head position in the golf swing Listen this portion of Mr. Kizer's interview in this audio clip. The clip is about six minutes long and will take a few seconds to load so be patient.