Nicknames at “Old Muny”

The generations of players that have spent a portion of their youth at Lions Municipal Golf Course have all been touched in one way or another by the experience.  Some adopted golf as their primary leisure pastime while others used golf as a means to obtain a college education.  Some even pursued it as a professional career, either as a club professional or working in the golf industry in some capacity, such as being a club represtative or selling golf carts.  A few even made a living playing the game on one of the tours.  One of the more enduring and interesting legacies of the Muny experience turned out to be the nicknames that were given to players during their youthful experiences at Muny.  And, in some cases, the nicknames stuck for life.

It seemed that everyone had a nickname of some sort and how they obtained their nickname was as random as some of the good shots that appeared amoung all the poor ones.  There seemed to be no rhyme or reason as to why someone would come up with a nickname.   In a recent conversation with Gib Kizer, a former winner of the Austin City Championship and member of the storied Kizer family, he revealed some of the nicknames for the players of his generation.  See if you know who these nicknames belong to before you listen to Gib tell how these people obtained their nicknames.  Here is the link to his story about these nicknames.


You can contribute to this story by relating nicknames and stories of how those nicknames came about by using the comments section below.  It might be interesting…..For example, how did Billy Clagett get the nickname Bunyun?  He still uses the nickname as part of his email address.  What's with that?  Or, how did Lester Lundell get the name Lumpy?  If you know, share it with us in a comment.

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